In Tamil Nadu Corruption and bribe are to its peak - this a general comment on date in People Talk.
This is due to Huge Charges for electricity unit charges for consumed, Poor Ration operation's , poor Metro water operation ,Sudden Huge price hike on Petrol and Diesel, Very High price to pay for Vegetable's ,etc . How and when Government Going to react on this? leaving behind their political confusion's and enjoying in star Lodges and walking at sea shore (people not elected them to do this) etc and unwanted disturbing Governor and President - Tamil Nadu Government and B J P Government in India to look on these important issues on very urgent priority basis and to solve at the earliest is my Humble recommendation's.
for example , a neighbour to me is telling that as a father he could pay bribe and can get the( placement once again ) to a J EE, his daughter who went on Medical leave along with her Husband for more than 1 year 3 months to United States, by bribing in the same office and zone of Metro water where she was employed already. This means Bribe is at its peak.
Like this many things happens in our state in day to day life. to put an end to this existing Political parties contestants must be defeated by people in Voting Day of the up coming election's.
For this People of Tamil Nadu to vote to New Genuine comer's in Politics of Tamil Nadu has become a need and a must is my belief.
This is due to Huge Charges for electricity unit charges for consumed, Poor Ration operation's , poor Metro water operation ,Sudden Huge price hike on Petrol and Diesel, Very High price to pay for Vegetable's ,etc . How and when Government Going to react on this? leaving behind their political confusion's and enjoying in star Lodges and walking at sea shore (people not elected them to do this) etc and unwanted disturbing Governor and President - Tamil Nadu Government and B J P Government in India to look on these important issues on very urgent priority basis and to solve at the earliest is my Humble recommendation's.
for example , a neighbour to me is telling that as a father he could pay bribe and can get the( placement once again ) to a J EE, his daughter who went on Medical leave along with her Husband for more than 1 year 3 months to United States, by bribing in the same office and zone of Metro water where she was employed already. This means Bribe is at its peak.
Like this many things happens in our state in day to day life. to put an end to this existing Political parties contestants must be defeated by people in Voting Day of the up coming election's.
For this People of Tamil Nadu to vote to New Genuine comer's in Politics of Tamil Nadu has become a need and a must is my belief.